W.H. Demmons W.H.

W.H.Demmons to support the Maine Chapter of National Association of Women in Construction as they host their first ever Career Days for High School students. Melissa Hall, a Project Manager at W.H.Demmons, and past President for the Maine chapter of NAWIC, currently serves on the board of directors for the Maine Chapter. W.H.Demmons, a gold sponsor for this event, encourages all high school aged students to explore different career paths within the construction industry by attending this event on October 6th, in West Bath.

The Maine Construction Career Days will take place on October 6th at Midcoast Excavation in West Bath, Maine. The event will be open to all high school students. This event will also be the platform to award scholarships to deserving Maine students entering a construction related field. It will not only allow NAWIC to continue offer scholarships, but will also expose Maine high school students to possible career paths in both the construction and transportation industries.

MCCD will be a hands-on experience and include exhibitors and educational resources. It will be attended by construction companies, school districts, state agencies, labor unions, trade and professional organizations. All of them are collaborating to provide students with an introduction to various aspects of construction.

Streamlining the registration process for exhibitors will be achieved by offering on-line registration. A new marketing and public relations effort will be designed to attract a larger audience, and there will be more opportunities for sponsorship to support the chapter’s scholarship program.

Maine Construction Career Days – Maine Chapter National Association of Women in Construction (nawicmaine.org)

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